Is your inheritance from a deceased family member’s estate held up...

Probate is the field of law that determines how an estate must be divided. Each state has its own...

How To Get Money Due To You From Someone Who Has...

Probate is the field of law that determines how an estate must be divided. Each state has its own...

Were You Disinherited From An Estate? Are You Receiving A...

Probate is the field of law that determines how an estate must be divided. Each state has its own...

How to Avoid Probate Using Trusts And Other Creative Means

Probate is the field of law that determines how an estate must be divided. Each state has its own...

What You Need To Do When A Decedent Has Outstanding Tax...

A taxpayer who dies with unfiled income tax returns and/or outstanding tax liabilities to the IRS or any State...

Unless Congress Acts To Legalize Cannabis, Here’s Why You Cannot Count...

Unless Congress Acts To Legalize Cannabis, Here’s Why You Cannot Count On The Recent Proposed Rule To Reschedule Cannabis...

How A Creditor Can Collect From A Decedent’s Estate?

A person who dies owing monies to his or her creditors complicates the administration of the decedent’s estate or...

Did A California Decedent Fail To Title An Asset Into A...

In the realm of estate management and planning, a Heggstad petition plays a crucial role when a California decedent...

What is Probate?

Probate is the field of law that determines how an estate must be divided. Each state has its own...

IRS Says To Cannabis Businesses – Not So Fast! Cannabis remains...

The Associated Press reported on April 30, 2024 that the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) will propose a rule to...