cannabis cafe

West Hollywood To Open Its First Cannabis Cafe

West Hollywood To Open Its First Cannabis Cafe. In an article published August 15, 2019 in the Washington Post, it...

Cannabis Church Going High Tech To Become A New Orlando Florida...

Cannabis Church Going High Tech To Become A New Orlando Florida Attraction. In an article published July 22, 2019 in...

Can Cannabis Help People As A Mid-level Analgesic Medication For Pain...

Can Cannabis Help People As A Mid-level Analgesic Medication For Pain Treatment? Researchers at The University Of New Mexico (“UNM”)...

MORE Act Approved By The House Judiciary Committee To End Cannabis...

MORE Act Approved By The House Judiciary Committee To End Cannabis Prohibition – If You Can’t Beat Them, Then...
HR 420 cannabis legelizaHR 420 cannabis legelization billtion bill

Senator Introduces Cannabis Legalization Bills – If You Can’t Beat Them,...

Senator Introduces Cannabis Legalization Bills – If You Can’t Beat Them, Then Join Them! Under Federal law (Controlled Substances Act...
medical marijuana cannabis

Can Cannabis Help People Who Suffer From Migraines?

Can Cannabis Help People Who Suffer From Migraines? For those of us who regularly experience migraines, life carries unique...
medical marijuana cannabis

Can Cannabis Help People With Alcohol-Induced Pancreatitis?

Can Cannabis Help People With Alcohol-Induced Pancreatitis? Pancreatitis is an increasingly common clinical condition that causes significant morbidity and mortality....

Inyo County Sheriff’s Department Shuts Down Massive Illegal Cannabis Farms Located...

Inyo County Sheriff’s Department Shuts Down Massive Illegal Cannabis Farms Located In The California Wilderness Anyone conducting business in cannabis...
Voters In 2018 Overwhelmingly Approve Legalization Of Cannabis. - Medical cannabis

Voters In 2018 Overwhelmingly Approve Legalization Of Cannabis.

Voters In 2018 Overwhelmingly Approve Legalization Of Cannabis. Election Day, November 6, 2018, voters overwhelming approved measures legalizing cannabis at...
medical marijuana treat bi polar cannabis

Can Cannabis Help People With Bipolar Disorder?

Can Cannabis Help People With Bipolar Disorder? According to the National Institute of Mental Health, Bipolar Disorder affects about 5.7...