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Marijuana Tax Planning & Marijuana Tax Defense

cannabis law compliance and defense marijuana tax defense

The Importance Of Having The Right Financial Team For Your Cannabis...

The Importance Of Having The Right Financial Team For Your Cannabis Business Even though more and more states are allowing...

Bipartisan Marijuana Research Bill On Its Way To President Biden For...

Bipartisan Marijuana Research Bill On Its Way To President Biden For Signature Into Law – If You Can’t Beat...

2020 Taxes For California Cannabis – What You Need To Know

2020 Taxes For California Cannabis – What You Need To Know We previously reported in our blog that the Trump...

How California Cannabis Retailers Compute And Pay Taxes For Cannabis Acquired...

New cannabis taxes have been in effect in California starting January 1, 2018. Beginning January 1, 2018, licensed distributors...
cannabis business should file for extension with IRS

Why Taxpayers Involved In Offshore Accounts, Crypto-Currency Or Cannabis Should Be...

Why Taxpayers Involved In Offshore Accounts, Crypto-Currency Or Cannabis Should Be Filing An Extension For Their 2018 Income Tax...
Canada marijuana legalization

How Canada Is Profiting From The United States Federal Government Punishing...

While the United States federal government refuses to make any use of marijuana legal and maintains banking and taxing...

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Takes On The Marijuana Industry

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Takes On The Marijuana Industry On January 4, 2018, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the revocation of...
Recreational marijuana state laws

If You Can’t Beat Them, Then Join Them

  If You Can’t Beat Them, Then Join Them Under Federal law marijuana is designated as a Schedule I controlled substance...

Portland Cannabis Business Owner Receives Federal Prison Sentence For Tax Crimes

Portland Cannabis Business Owner Receives Federal Prison Sentence For Tax Crimes The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District Of Oregon...

National Taxpayer Advocate Delivers 2021 Annual Report to Congress With No...

National Taxpayer Advocate Delivers 2021 Annual Report to Congress With No Mention Of Unfair Taxation Of Cannabis Businesses Or...